Thursday, March 17, 2011

Out on the roof just the other night, I watched the world flash by...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

It's been a few days since I have written, so I figured I would write a quick post! Then it is back to studying I go! I've had such a busy week! Dancing, work, class, test today, test tomorrow. BRING ON THE WEEKEND.

Anyway, I just read a post my momma wrote on her blog (Corner of Carolina, you should check it out) which has sparked the topic for this post which also happens to be the title of my blog, life's a journey. My mom was inspired to write about her dad, my grandfather. Unfortunately, I was not given the opportunity to meet him and my mom was only privileged enough to know him for seven years.  If it isn't obvious, he passed away when she was seven years old; my momma didn't have the opportunity to really know her father. I had never really thought about this before, but after reading what my momma had to say about her dad and how this painstaking event affected her life, I started to think about my life and the people in it. I cannot possibly imagine what it would be like to grow up without one of my parents or my grandparents for that matter. I have been blessed enough to have both of my parents (in the same household) along with three of the four grandparents. I can't imagine not knowing one of them, not knowing where I come from, what they look like, what their personality was like, what they liked to do, and so forth. However, there are so many people who have grown up with a single parent, divorced parents, and who never knew any of their grandparents. Unfortunately, the divorce rate is increasing. Yeah, the child may have both of their parents, but they still won't get what I have. I honestly believe, having both of my parents in the same house has affected who I am today. My parents have shown me what love is. My momma has shown me what a mother's love is and my daddy has shown me what a father's love, but together they have shown me what true love is. They don't know it, but someday I want what they have. They only dated for three months and got married and have been together for  30+ years. Unbelievable, I know! However, it is so true. They're best friends, they tell each other everything, they would do absolutely anything for the other one and they have decided to place God at the very center of their relationship. Don't get me wrong, they aren't perfect. I've heard them argue, I've seen them get on each others nerves, and complain to one another; but, that's life as well as any relationship or friendship. You see, they've shared over 30 years of their journey together and will continue to do so until "death due them part." They've combined two individual journeys into one. No, they may not have soaked in every moment of it and many days have gone by, but I believe as they're getting older they are starting to pay more attention to the things they experience. For example, my daddy is going back and forth to Bangladesh and is soaking in every minute of it. From this point on, I want to do the same. I'm young and have many years ahead of me, but I don't want to let the world flash by me. I want to fill my journey with beautiful memories and many lessons learned.

"You better start living right now, as days go by." -"Days Go By," Keith Urban

Monday, March 7, 2011

"Everybody needs inspiration, everybody needs a soul..."

Daddy made it to Bangladesh safely! Thank you for your prayers! This time he will stay in the capitol of Dhaka! That means communication will be A LOT easier! He was able to call us this morning. Calling is still expensive and will be on rare occasions, but we are expecting more than two calls this time. :) Please continue to pray for his safety and that he will have a life fulfilling trip.

On a side note:
So, you've all heard me mention him, but I haven't written a lot about him. If you haven't figured it out by now, the "him" I'm referring to is my boyfriend. Anyway, I've decided to finally spill about him, since it seems like I have everyone else! So, here's a little background information: his name is Mike, he's a year a head of me in school, two years older than me in age (we both have summer birthdays), a mechanical engineering major (switching to business), is from the largest city in North Carolina, is one of the most hard-working people I know, and he has become my best friend. Oh and did I mention we've only known each other since July? Yep, you see...we're weird & we will admit it. We aren't the average couple that "gets to know each other" and "talks" (what a dumb description- you're either dating or you're not!) for five months before making it official. We met, we didn't see each other for a month, when school started we saw each other maybe once or twice, then there was a football game-we hit it off, then we started dating. I will admit, there were a few apprehensions, but aren't there apprehensions with every new relationship? I mean, let's be serious...we've all been heartbroken at some point in our lifetime! Anyway, that's basically the summary as to how we got together. From that point, we've gotten to know each other as we've built our relationship & honestly, I wouldn't change it for the world.

By this point, if you're reading this momma, I'm sure you're thinking, "Gagggg" and "Oh no, I don't wanna read this," so...sorry momma! Just don't show daddy! ;)

Back to the spill. Although we've only been together for a short time, Mike has become one of the the few "constants" I have around me. Aside from my family & my additional three moms, Mike is someone I know will always be there to support me. That's new for me, I've never had a boyfriend who I KNEW would be there whenever I needed him; it's great. Not only is he so supportive, but he is patient & brave. After all, he's dating me! Hahaha! Also, he doesn't know it, but I admire him. He works just under 40 hours a week & is a full-time college student & somewhere in there he still makes time for me. I couldn't do it, there is no way! The stress would kill me. Yes, I'm a full-time student, I have job (I only work five hours a week), and I'm a new member in kappa delta- but I couldn't possibly do what he does. Not to mention...he does all of that without complaining. He complains very little about his job & school work. That completely blows my mind.

Anyway, I guess I'll wrap that up. I'm a lucky girl & he's one heck of a guy.

Summer job:
I'm in search of a summer job & I'm having NO luck. If you will, please keep that in your prayers! I really need to find one!

That concludes this post. I hope you're all having a great Monday!
Below is the music video "When I Look at You" by Miley Cyrus. This was featured in the movie The Last Song. It's also Mike's ringtone! Haha

Friday, March 4, 2011

I learned to live, have a life...

Happy spring break! :)

Yes, today is the day just about every college student waits for...spring break! Thank goodness it is here! Although I'm not doing anything spectacular I will say I'm looking forward to sleeping in! I don't have anything planned except for spending some time at the courthouses sitting in on cases for a class project. Ugh, I know right... school work on a break? Sucks. Oh well, gotta do what I gotta do.

Kappa delta say yeahhhh
So, in my last post I wrote about rushing KD! Well, they offered me a bid & how could I refuse becoming a sister in such a great organization? Every moment I've spent doing something regarding KD from the boring new member classes to the fun mixers, I have not regretted a thing! Not only is it a great form of support and networking, but also it has brought my passion back into my life- dance. Thank you sigma chi for having derby days! Derby days is sigma chi's philanthropy event and they have a dance competition amongst the sororities. A LEGIT DANCE COMPETITION! I haven't been this excited in a veryyy long time & it has felt absolutely amazing being back in a dance studio with such beautiful and talented girls. This is such an exciting & important part of my journey for it is a lifetime sisterhood. I CANNOT WAIT for the future ahead of me. Love you kay deessss!!!!

Whelp, the time has come. Dad is going back to Bangladesh tomorrow, but this time he will only be gone for three weeks. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he travels overseas and continues to add such significant events to his journey. This is something he really enjoys and it's such a life fulfilling event and a huge support for Bangladesh.

I suppose that's it for now. Not too much to say! I hope everyone is having a great start to the new month of March and that your journeys are full of accomplishment and success.

"Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful, and highest."