Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I can't keep up with your turning tables...

I apologize for the lack of blogging! School has picked up and is in full swing, Kappa Delta has taken over my life, and on top of that I'm still working and attempting to maintain some sort of social life! My apologies!

So, I reckon college couldn't be easy all four years. I've always found college challenging, however it wasn't impossible. Well this year has been my wake up call. Classes are HARD. They have surpassed challenging and are straight up kicking my butt. However, I WILL accomplish them. I've just got to keep my eye on the goal- graduate school. I would love to continue my education here and obtain my master's in public administration. Thus, I must continue to do well in my classes and receive high scores on my GRE. Ugh, GRE...the college SAT. I didn't do well on the high school SAT, how will I manage the GRE? Aside from school, Kappa Delta has been the other thing taken up my time! Rush has FINALLY ended and we have 49 beautiful new members. Rush went very well; however, it was very exhausting. Frankly, I'm glad it's over. I'm just ready to get into a routine. Work has been placed on the back burner. Thankfully, my boss is very understanding when it comes to her employees who are in college. I hope to have my hours pick back up here in a few weeks, since everything is starting to calm down.

Well not only did NC experience a earthquake, but also a hurricane. Both were in one week! That's crazy. The earthquake did not leave any damage behind, however Hurricane Irene did. Home got it worse than here... a lot worse. My family lost a tree and it took out our fence and fell into the road! We are so thankful it did not fall on our house. Many people were not as fortunate as us. We live three hours away from the coast, yet we had 24,000 of 25,000 people without power. My family did not have power for over a week. Thankfully, here at school we did not lose power but for a few hours and were able to continue with our classes!

I'm sorry this post has been so short, but I must run off to the library and get some economics (yuck!) homework done!

I hope everyone is doing well and are finding their journey taking them to new and exciting places every day!