Friday, December 16, 2011

Thankfully, exams are over! I am on Christmas break and I can now get into the Christmas spirit and enjoy the holiday with my family and friends! :) My Christmas shopping has been done and I am excited for my family and friends to see what they received! I really hope they like everything I bought! I'm also verrryy excited about getting to go back to my home church! Unfortunately, I have not found a church in Raleigh- this happens to be my new year's resolution- thus, I am excited to get back to the church I grew up in and see some familiar faces! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

As I previously stated, THANKFULLY EXAMS ARE OVER! So, far I have done all right! I have all of my grades back except for one. I took five classes this semester and I've made two A's and two B's so far, so I'm nervous about what the final grade is going to be. This has not been the easiest semester, but I have made it out alive. My GPA hasn't been this low since my first semester freshmen year, honestly it makes me sick. My parents tell me I'm too hard on myself that I'm doing wonderful. Whelp, I KNOW I'm too hard on myself. I guess it has it's pros and cons. From the time I entered college it has never been about graduating, it has been about getting into graduate school. Graduate school is just around the corner and I am getting incredibly nervous about taking the GRE and applying to different schools. Ideally, I would love to be accepted into my university's graduate program for public administration. However, I attend a very competitive university at the undergraduate and graduate level. I'm terrified that they will not let me in again! However, if I can just get into grad school, I will consider myself privileged.

My journey:
Aside from school and what not, I have experienced different challenges recently that has taken my journey down a winding road. Recently, my relationship of over a year with my boyfriend ended. Needless to say, it has been a rough two weeks. I'm having to completely readjust my everyday lifestyle. It's crazy how much you come to depend on certain people in your life. Yet, it's wonderful to find all of the true friends you do have. Overall, I have taken away a lot from my relationship with him. After all, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have met my best friend. I never had a best friend in high school and now I understand why. If I did, I don't think I would appreciate this friendship as much as I do. I realize that most find a few people in college that they stay life long friends with. I am positive that Gianna will be this friend. Who else would bring me ice cream, a box of tissues and a bottle of wine because I've had a horrible night? No one- only a best friend knows just the right things to say and do! Don't know what I would do without her! As for the new year, I have several resolutions planned and ready to implement. I have a feeling 2012 is going to be a great year!

Merry Christmas everyone!
Dancing with an Ipod in Public- Christmas Edition

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