Monday, November 8, 2010

"Home is where the heart is."

Two thoughts: Small towns and best friends

I can't say I was a "fan" of growing up in a small town. Everyone knew everything about each other, so they thought. Rumors were started so easily, that it was ridiculous. Your friend choices were limited, the places you went to hang out were limited, the stores you had to shop at were limited, everything was limited. You see, I never had a set group of friends growing up. I never had a true "best friend." I always had "temporary" best friends. Although, most of my friends were guys; it's still that way. It wasn't until my senior year, that I started realizing that college would be the deciding factor as to who my "real friends" growing up were. Who would I stay in touch with? To no suprise, I stayed in touch with the three of the ones that ended up going to college with me. The rest, I speak to maybe once or twice a year. I hope they're all doing well, but it wasn't until college that I've learned what a best friend is and means. You see, one of those guys (Tyler) that I graduated with and still go to school with became my best friend. To me, a best friend is someone you can always lean on. I may not see Tyler for two weeks, but I know he is there 24/7 and he knows that I'm there for him too. We're both so busy and live in different places now that it's hard to see each other as much as we did last year (we lived in the same dorm). Tyler has seen every side of me. He's seen me at my happiest, saddest, maddest, and sickest. He'll send me a text every now at the most random times that just say, "Hey! Hope you have a good day!" He's someone I can pray with and ask him to pray for certain things- recently it's been for my dad. All of those things, compose a best friend. It's about time, I've found mine and I'm so fortunate to have done so.

Now, back to the small towns. As I was saying earlier, I wasn't a big fan of the growing up in a small town. Since I've been at college in a much, much, larger area, I've started to cherrish my small town. The limits of it were tough at times, but over all I do like the smallness and closeness. Here, a ten minute drive takes twenty due to traffic. In my eyes, that's just ridiculous. People who have grown up here, don't even know where everything is in their hometown! That's just crazy! I can't imagine not knowing where something is in my hometown!!! Here's something else that has just blown my mind, the high school my boyfriend graduated from is a PRIVATE school and it's BIGGER than my PUBLIC school! That's crazy!! I went home this weekend, Friday-Sunday, and realized how much I've missed that little place. I was able to see some people who have changed my life and spend time with them, and of course spend time with my momma, grandma, and great-aunt. I also realized, that if I didn't come from a small town there is the chance that I may have never walked into the connections I did. Mrs. White, one of the people I got to see, was a teacher at my high school and was the AG (academically gifted) coordinator; she's retired now. She did several of my recommendations in high school, double checked my college applications, and last year she proofed all of my English papers in college. This woman is absolutely amazing and I'm so blessed to have her in my life. Momma Kim, is another person I may have never met. Momma Kim is my hero. She's the most self-less and caring pereson I know. She always does for others before she does for herself, not to mention she's undergoing and has been through MANY health problems. If it wouldn't have been for my small town, I would have never met those too people who have played such a significant part in my life. When I look back, meeting the people I met and formed relationships with, going to the Wal-mart to hang out, and only having Belk and JC Penney to shop at really isn't so bad at all. Oh, and I wouldnt't trade growing up in the SOUTH in a small town for anything. :) After all, home is where the heart is!

So, I leave you with this. If you're from a small town, think about how much it provides you even when it may seem it limits you. Also, cherrish your best friends and thank God that you have them in your life. :)

Hope y'all had a great weekend and have a great week!

This video describes my life growing up PERFECTLY. Wouldn't trade it for the world.
Kellie Pickler: Small Town Girl

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